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Vim Cheatsheet

Note that this cheatsheet is almost completely based on my lunarvim configuration and may only be intended for my personal use.

  • h j k l: left / down / up / right
  • w b: next / previous word
  • gg G: top / bottom of file
  • 0 $: beginning / end of line
  • ^: first non-blank character of line
  • <C-d> <C-u>: half page down / up
  • <C-f> <C-b>: full page down / up
  • zt zz zb: scroll cursor to top / middle / bottom of screen
  • %: jump to matching bracket


  • i a: insert before / after cursor
  • I A: insert at beginning / end of line
  • o O: insert new line below / above
  • x: delete character under cursor
  • rW: replace character under cursor with W
  • R: start replace mode
  • cw: change word
  • c$: change to end of line
  • cc: change line
  • dd: delete line
  • u <C-r>: undo / redo
  • ~: switch case of character under cursor
  • y: copy text
  • p: paste after cursor

  • /: search forward
  • ?: search backward
  • n N: next / previous match
  • * #: search for word under cursor forward / backward
  • gd: go to definition of word under cursor
  • gi: go to last insert position


  • v: start visual mode
  • V: start visual line mode
  • <C-v>: start visual block mode
  • gv: re-select last visual selection
  • o: move to other end of highlighted text
  • a" a' a( a[ a{: select matching block
  • i" i' i( i[ i{: select inner matching block


  • :s/foo/bar/: replace first foo with bar in current line
  • :%s/foo/bar/: replace first foo with bar in file


  • No flag: replace first occurrence
  • g: replace all occurrences
  • c: confirm before replace
  • i: case-insensitive
  • I: case-sensitive

Last update: 2023-11-19
Created: 2023-11-19