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Scheme is a dialect of the Lisp family of programming languages, known for its minimalism and simplicity. Many developers consider Scheme an elegant language.

Scheme is a very simple language, much easier to implement than many other languages of comparable expressive power. This ease is attributable to the use of lambda calculus to derive much of the syntax of the language from more primitive forms.


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Scheme has a set of atomic primitive expressions. Atomic means that these expressions cannot be divided up. For example:

scm> 123     ; Number
scm> #f      ; False
scm> #t      ; True
scm> "Hello" ; String

That the only primitive in Scheme that is false is #f. All other values are true. That is, even 0 and "" are true.

Call Expressions

(<operator> <operand1> <operand2> ...)

All expressions are written in the form of a list, with the first element being the operator and the rest being the operands. For example:

scm> (+ 1 2 3)                  ; 1+2+3 = 6
scm> (* (+ 1 2) 3 4)            ; (1+2)*3*4 = 36
scm> (even? (* (+ 1 2) 3 4))    ; Is 36 even?
scm> (- 5)                      ; -5
scm> (- 1 2 3)                  ; 1-2-3 = -4
scm> (>= 1 2)                   ; Is 1 >= 2?
scm> (string-append "Hello" " " "World")
"Hello World"

In the examples above, +, -, *, >=, even? and string-append are all procedure (function) names.

Commonly used math procedures: +, -, *, /, abs, quotient, remainder, modulo, min, max, expt, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, log, exp, floor, ceiling, round.

Special Forms

Special forms are expressions that are not evaluated in the same way as call expressions. For example:


Lambda function is the meat of Scheme. It is used to create anonymous functions.

Syntax: (lambda (<param1> <param2> ...) <body>)

scm> (lambda (x y) (+ x y))
scm> ((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 1 2)


Use (define <name> <value>) to define a symbol (variable).

Use (define (<name> <param1> <param2> ...) <body>) to define a procedure. It is equivalent to (define <name> (lambda (<param1> <param2> ...) <body>)).

scm> (define x 1)
scm> x
scm> (define (add x y) (+ x y))
scm> (add 1 2)
scm> (define add-lambda (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))
scm> (add-lambda 1 2)


Syntax: (if <condition> <consequent> <alternative>)

(define x 10)
(if (odd? x)
    (print "x is odd")
    (print "x is even"))
; "x is even"


Cond is a multi-way if statement.

Syntax: (cond (<condition1> <consequent1>) (<condition2> <consequent2>) ... [(else <alternative>)])

scm> (define x 10)
scm> (cond
       ((< x 0) -1)
       ((= x 0) 0)
       (else 1))

And & Or

and and or are used to combine multiple conditions. They are short-circuit.

scm> (and
       (zero? 1)
       (/ 1 0))   ; Won't be evaluated
scm> (or
       (zero? 0)
       (/ 1 0))   ; Also won't be evaluated

Even though running (/ 1 0) alone will cause DivisionByZero error, In the example above it won't be evaluated since and and or are short-circuit.


Quotation is used to prevent evaluation of an expression. There are two types of quotations:

  • Quote: (quote <expression>) or '(<expression>).

  • Quasiquote: (quasiquote <expression>) or `(<expression>).

Inside a quasiquote, use unquote or , to unquote (evaluate) an expression.

scm> (quote (+ 1 2))        ; (+ 1 2) will not be evaluated
(+ 1 2)
scm> '(zero? 2)             ; Equivalent to (quote (zero? 2))
(zero? 2)
scm> `(1 (+ 1 1) ,(+ 1 2))  ; (+ 1 1) won't be evaluated, but (+ 1 2) will
(1 (+ 1 1) 3)


scm> (list 1 2 3)
(1 2 3)
scm> '(1 2 3)       ; Use quote to create a list
(1 2 3)
scm> (define lst '(1 2 3))
scm> (cons 4 lst)   ; CONStruct a list with `4` as the first element and `lst` as the rest
(4 1 2 3)
scm> (cons 0 nil)   ; `nil` is the built-in empty list
scm> (car lst)      ; `car` returns the first element of a list
scm> (cdr lst)      ; `cdr` returns the rest of a list
(2 3)

car is short for Contents of Address Register, and cdr is short for Contents of Decrement Register.

cons is usually used to construct a list (which is actually a linked list), but it can also be used to construct a pair.

scm> (cons 1 2)
(1 . 2)

Scheme code itself is a list. Using this feature we can do some magic:

scm> (list + 1 2)   ; `+` as a primitive procedure will be evaluated
(#[+] 1 2)
scm> (list '+ 1 2)  ; `+` must be quoted to prevent evaluation
(+ 1 2)
scm> (eval (list '+ 1 2))  ; `eval` evaluates a list
scm> (eval '(+ 1 2))

=, eq? & equal?

= can only be used to compare numbers. There's nothing to say about it.

As for (eq? <a> <b>).

  • If a and b are both numbers, booleans, symbols, or strings, return true if they are equivalent; false otherwise.
  • Otherwise, return true if a and b both refer to the same object in memory; false otherwise.

It behaves like is in python.

scm> (eq? '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
scm> (define x '(1 2 3))
scm> (eq? x x)

(equal? <a> <b>) returns true if a and b are equivalent. For two pairs, they are equivalent if their cars are equivalent and their cdrs are equivalent.

scm> (equal? '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))


Macros are procedures that transform code. They are used to extend the language.

Remember that Scheme code itself is a list? Macros are procedures that input a piece of code (which is literally a list) and generate another piece of code (which is done by generating a list) and evaluate it.

This way, without using built-in define-macro procedure, let's try to define a twice macro.

Our desired syntax is (twice <body>), which will run <body> twice. Note that <body> is evaluated after twice is evaluated, so it is a special form.

scm> (define (twice body)
       (eval `(begin ,body ,body)))
scm> (twice '(print "Hello")) ; Equivalent to (begin (print "Hello") (print "Hello"))
scm> (twice (print "Hello"))  ; Equivalent to (begin)

In the implementation above, begin is used to evaluate multiple expressions one by one. It is a special form that evaluates all its operands in order and returns the value of the last operand.

However, the home-made twice macro above is not perfect. You have to quote <body>, otherwise it would evaluate <body> first and use it return value as the body of the macro, which is #void in the example above.

To solve this problem, we introduce another special form: define-macro.

scm> (define-macro (twice body)
       `(begin ,body ,body))
scm> (twice (print "Hello"))

Comparing with our first implementation, we simply changed define to define-macro and omitted eval.

define-macro is an older form of macro definition. In modern Scheme, we use define-syntax and syntax-rules instead. But I won't go into details here.

Here is our modernized twice macro:

(define-syntax twice
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ body)
     (begin body body))))

Moreover, we can define a for macro. The desired syntax is (for x in '(1 2 3) do (* x x)), which is evaluated to (1 4 9). It is similar to [x * x for x in [1, 2, 3]] in Python.

(define-syntax for
  (syntax-rules (in do)
    ((_ var in lst do expr)
     (map (lambda (var) expr) lst))))


Streams are lazy lists. They are similar to generators in Python and iterators in C++.

Stream is not built-in in Scheme, however, we can implement it using delay and force.

(delay <body>) delays the evaluation of <body> and returns a promise, while (force <delayed>) resumes the evaluation of promise <delayed>.

Actually, delay and force are just macros. Here is their implementation:

(define-macro (delay body)
  `(lambda () ,body))
(define (force delayed)

By using delay and force, we can define our own stream-version cons, car and cdr.

;; "-s" means stream
(define-macro (cons-s a b)
  `(cons ,a (delay ,b)))

(define (car-s s) (car s))
(define (cdr-s s) (force (cdr s)))

Thus, we can create an infinite list.

scm> (define ones (cons-s 1 ones)) ; `ones` is defined recursively
scm> ones                          ; `ones` is an infinite list of 1
(1 . #[promise])
scm> (car-s ones)
scm> (car-s (cdr-s ones))

Then we define some helper functions, add-s to add two streams together, head-s to get the first n elements of a stream, and filter-s to filter a stream.

(define (add-s a b)
    (+ (car-s a) (car-s b))
    (add-s (cdr-s a) (cdr-s b))))

(define (head-s n s)
  (if (zero? n)
      (car-s s)
      (head-s (- n 1) (cdr-s s)))))

(define (filter-s fn s)
  (if (fn (car-s s))
    (cons-s (car-s s) (filter-s fn (cdr-s s)))
    (filter-s fn (cdr-s s))))

Finally, we can create a stream of natural numbers.

scm> (define naturals (cons-s 1 (add-s ones naturals)))
scm> (head-s 5 naturals)
(1 2 3 4 5)

Streams are very useful in solving problems that require infinite lists. For example, we can use streams to implement the famous Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm to generate prime numbers.

(define (sieve s)
    (car-s s)
        (lambda (x) (not (zero? (modulo x (car-s s)))))
        (cdr-s s)))))

(define primes (sieve (cdr-s naturals)))
scm> (head-s 10 primes)
(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29)

Last update: 2023-12-11
Created: 2023-12-03